Well we’re well into 2016 and after the indulgence of Christmas and the New Year festivities, for many of us, this is the time to be making (and breaking) those health and beauty resolutions. We feel your pain at City Skin Clinic but no need to fear. We’ve put together a list of 5 modifications/adjustments that you can make which will yield great skin. Over the next few days we will expand on each one in more detail.
1) Water:
One of the simplest and easiest ways to boost your skin health and appearance is by keeping well hydrated. With a busy life-style and plenty of external factors like air conditioning in the summer and radiators in the winter, it’s easy to get dehydrated and keen on top of this seems impossible. In the next blog, we will go through some very small adjustments you can make to ensure that you’re well hydrated with minimal disruption to your everyday life!
2) You are what you eat:
It may sound boring but having a healthy and balanced diet helps to promote healthy skin and similarly eating processed foods and fats can cause skin damage. As always, it’s hard to know which dietary recommendations are based on science and which are pure fiction. We at City Skin Clinic have been reviewing the published evidence ad will bring you details of the foods known to improve skin health such as fruits, vegetables, oily fish and nuts. Knowing which food groups to eat more of is a good start. Yet, with a busy lifestyle, it’s often hard to integrate this into your diet. Hence, we have put together a few simple recipes and modifications which can be easily slipped into your routine.
3) Exercise:
As with a healthy diet and increasing water intake, exercise has a positive effect on skin health as well as the rest of the body. Exercise helps stimulate the circulation thus bringing increased blood flow to the skin which provides oxygen and nourishment to the skin cells whilst taking away waste products. This ultimately can help skin appear brighter and glossier. We will bring you the latest information on how exercise improves skin health and appearance. In addition, we will show you a few simple ways to integrate exercise into your busy day.
4) Skin care regime:
Do you forget to remove makeup before going to sleep or exercising with makeup? Who isn’t guilty of any of this. A bit of effort is needed from you for great skin. A daily skin care regime is a great place to start. We will help you identify which skin type you have and how to look after it without resorting to complicated or expensive routines. In the upcoming post on this we also give you the basics of skin anatomy and physiology and how to use this knowledge to identify and met your skin care needs. We also review how facials, hyaluronic acid dermal fillers, chemical peels, lasers and anti-wrinkle injections can be used to address problems such as lines, scars and other skin issues.
5) Quitting the smokes and blocking the UVs:
Two very important causes of skin damage and ageing are smoking and sun exposure. Furthermore, both also cause skin cancer. Hence protecting yourself from both of these will have a hugely positive impact on your health and appearance. However, we know its not easy to quit smoking. Also there’s a lot of confusing information regarding sun protection. We have collated and simplified the latest expert guidance on smoking cessation and sun exposure to help you choose what works best for you.
Over the next few days we will upload separate posts on each of these topics. As always, we at City Skin Clinic strongly believe in an integrated and holistic approach to beauty, which is why we like to begin and end with skin health! Explore the rest of the blog for expert skin care and beauty tips. The rest of the website is dedicated to our personalised anti-ageing and bespoke skin treatments.