Radiesse Dermal Filler
RADIESSE® is the first FDA approved dermal filler for use in both the hands and face. It is also a biostimulant that boosts collagen production.
What is Radiesse?
Radiesse is an injectable dermal filler that is made of calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHA) gel microspheres. This CaHA is is made up of phosphate and calcium, which occur naturally in our bodies. When injected, the Radiesse gel immediately fills in the volume you want. With time, the CaHA also stimulates your body to produce more collagen. As such, it allows your skin to produce more of its own natural filler. With time, the CaHA gets broken down and absorbed back into your body. However, it leaves your collagen in its place.
What is Radiesse used for?
Radiesse is a versatile dermal filler that is used in a variety of aesthetic skin treatment to rejuvenate the face and hands. It directly fills in lines, wrinkles and replaces missing volume. In addition, it also stimulates your body’s natural collagen, hence helping your skin regenerate itself. Radiesse is approved for use in both the hands and face by the FDA. As such, it is often used for wrinkles and folds around the mouth and nose, replacing face volume loss and even in jawline sculpting and non surgical nose reshaping. It’s also a common treatment for the backs of hands to replace lost volume and sometimes on the buttocks for a “non-surgical BBL”.
At City Skin Clinic, we prefer to reserve Radiesse for use in hand rejuvenation only. This is because it immediately replenishes lost volume but also in the long term, it boosts collagen production by the hands hence giving a longer lasting result. Although Radiesse is an excellent filler with a long-standing reputation, we do not use it on the face or neck. This is because it is not a hyaluronic acid dermal filler. As such, it can not be dissolved with an enzyme and has to be broken down by the body over time. Due to our focus on safety, we prefer dermal fillers that can be dissolved in case of an emergency or side effect.
What’s the difference between Radiesse vs Juvederm?
Both Radiesse and Juvederm are renowned and versatile dermal fillers. As such they are used globally in non surgical aesthetic treatments. Both dermal fillers are temporary, non animal derived and are broken down by the body. As a result, both Juvederm and Radiesse are often used on the face, neck, chest and hands. However, there are some major differences between them.
Firstly, Radiesse is a biostimulant, so unlike Juvederm, it doesn’t just fill the skin but it also makes the skin produce more of its own collagen which provides a longer outcome. However, the most important difference is that Juvederm is a hyaluronic acid dermal filler whilst Radiesse is not.
Radiesse is made up of CaHA which like hyaluronic acid can be found naturally in the body and. However, unlike hyaluronic acid fillers, Radiesse can not be dissolved sooner by use of an enzyme or any other substances. This means that if you don’t like the result of the treatment you would have to wait until the filler dissolves. More importantly, if there was an adverse reaction or an emergency, it is not possible to quickly get rid of the filler. In the case of Juvederm and other hyaluronic acid dermal fillers, you can use hyaluronidase enzyme to immediately dissolve the filler.
Are there any side effects to using Radiesse?
Radiesse has a excellent safety record which is comparable with other premium dermal fillers. Thankfully, side effects and complications are rare in the hands of a skilled practitioner. As such, it is only safe and effective when it is delivered in a clinical setting by a qualified and experienced aesthetic doctor. Injection of Radiesse, like any dermal filler, carries the general risk of bruising, infection, lumps, asymmetry or even scarring. These risks can be greatly reduced by using the correct technique and practices. Incorrect placement of the filler can also carry grave consequences. This includes lumps, chronic inflammatory reactions or in the worst case scenarios it can get into blood vessels and cause skin death or even blindness. Unlike hyaluronic acid dermal fillers, Radiesse can not be dissolved in case of an emergency or complications.
How long does Radiesse last for?
Radiesse treatment can last for up to a year and sometimes longer. It is slowly absorbed by your body and the rate of this is determined by your metabolism. As it stimulates your own collagen production, you may notice the effect for longer than the filler lasts since the collagen produced by your body stays.
What is the cost of Radiesse in London?
The cost of Radiesse treatment depends on the complexity of the procedure, amount of filler needed and the skill as well as experience of your practitioner.
Due to growing demand, we are moving our aesthetic skin clinic to an online prescription skincare platform. Unfortunately, this means that we’re no longer able to offer in-office treatments. However, we are treating both new and current clients at our online skin clinic. Our aesthetic doctors will provide the same experience and care through our online clinic. We offer personalised prescription-strength hair loss and skincare treatments for acne, hyperpigmentation, melasma and skin ageing. You can expect the personalised treatment plans and after care that we have become known for over the years. Importantly, from start to finish your journey towards great skin is all from the comfort of your home.
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