POSTED: 4 Aug 2022

What To Expect From Your First Botox Treatment

Botox is a popular treatment among our clients here at City Skin Clinic. The injection temporarily prevents muscle movement in areas such as the upper face. We understand the treatment can be daunting for those trying it for the first time. That is why we have put together this guide to alleviate fears by showing you exactly what to do during your first Botox treatment. Some of the topics discussed include – What is Botox? How does it work? And Botox recovery and aftercare. 

What Is Botox?

Botox is a natural neurotoxic protein created by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It is widely used in cosmetic procedures to help smooth the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It is administered through an injection to weaken facial muscles. Although it is technically a toxin, it is safe to use in small doses. Botox is commonly used around the eyes, upper, and lower face. Most of our clients at City Skin Clinic undergo Botox treatments to rejuvenate their skin, resulting in a more youthful-looking complexion. 

How Does Botox Work?

Below is a detailed guide on what to expect from your Botox treatment and how the process works, starting with the consultation.

Botox Consultation 

You should always attend an initial consultation, especially if you have never met your doctor or been to the clinic before. This allows you to meet them and ask any questions you may have. It can help alleviate your worries. Ask for some “before” and “after” photos to see the benefits of the procedure after it is complete. 

Before The Procedure

There isn’t much you need to do to prepare for botox treatment as it is a quick and simple procedure. If you are nervous or don’t like injections, we recommend you eat a light meal to settle your stomach and calm any nerves you may be experiencing. Take time to wash your face and remove any makeup. This will minimise your risk of infection. Don’t worry if you forget though as your doctor will do this. If you are needle phobic or very nervous, let your doctor know beforehand as they will set aside a longer time slot to give you enough time to relax and have the procedure done.

During The Procedure

Botox will be injected into the treatment area. The needle is so thin that most people do not feel a thing. We provide topical cream to numb the treatment area for all our patients but if your clinic does not offer this as standard and you’re worried about pain, please ask them for it. Once the Botox has been injected there may be some red marks or bumps visible for about 30 minutes that look like insect bites. These are just the injection sites and will settle by themselves or can be brought down with a cold compress. You may also have some bruising which will go down after a few days. The treatment is quick and should take around 10 minutes to complete. 

After The Procedure

Avoid lying flat, touching the treatment or wearing makeup for the first 6 hours to not displace the Botox and also reduce risk of infection. We will take a dive into our aftercare do’s and don’ts later in this guide. 

How Long Does Botox Last?

The effects of Botox are not permanent. This gives our clients peace of mind that they do not have to commit to a permanent change and is ideal for those who are not ready to commit to a surgical or more invasive procedure. The results of the treatment last for around 3-4 months. If you would like to prolong the treatment’s effects, you will need to repeat the treatment injection. 

How Long Does Botox Take To Work?

The effects of Botox are not immediate. You will start to notice the full effects of Botox at 2-3weeks after the treatment. Your skin should look a lot smoother and dynamic wrinkles will be relaxed. If you struggle to notice the results after two weeks, contact your aesthetic practitioner and ask for their guidance. It may be that a top-up of Botox is needed. 

Does Botox Hurt?

Botox is a safe procedure when carried out by medically qualified practitioners, like our team at City Skin Clinic. Always do your research before choosing a clinic for your Botox treatment to ensure you are in the right hands. You may be pleased to know the needles used for Botox are tiny and thin, making the experience as comfortable and pleasant as possible. Some clinics will numb the treatment area with a cold compress or in our case numbing cream – so you do not feel the needle enter your skin. 

Botox injections are a quick procedure and should take around 10 minutes to complete, which helps ease many of our clients’ worries about the treatment. You may experience some slight discomfort during the recovery process. However, a cool compress can be applied to the area to help ease any bruising or swelling that may occur after the treatment is complete. 

Botox Side Effects

Most cosmetic procedures have potential risks and side effects, and Botox is no different. Please note that you minimise your risk of these side effects by choosing a clinic with the right credentials that have experienced medical practitioners performing treatments and only uses genuine Botox® products. Always research the clinic and practitioner before going ahead with your treatment. These are the most common  potential risks and side effects of Botox injections:

  • Dizziness or flu-like symptoms
  • Mild bruising and swelling of the treatment area
  • Eye dryness if injected near the eyes or upper face
  • Droopy eyelids if injected into the upper face
  • Crooked smile if injected around the mouth

If you experience any of the following side effects and are concerned, contact your practitioner to seek aftercare guidance.

Botox Aftercare And Recovery

You should follow the aftercare guidance your clinic gives you to speed up the recovery process after your treatment. It will also help you achieve the best results possible from your Botox injections. Please note – that your recovery should take no longer than two weeks. Take a look at our aftercare do’s and don’ts below:


  • Give your skin a break from makeup for at least 6 hours after your treatment has been completed.
  • Read the aftercare instructions you were given and contact your practitioner if you have any concerns.  


  • Rub or massage the treatment area for the first 24 hours.
  • Lie flat for the first 6 hours
  • Expect to see results for a few days.

Book A Botox Consultation

City Skin Clinic has gained a strong reputation for quality, safety and excellence in delivering non-surgical aesthetic treatments. We are a team of highly qualified and experienced medical professionals that are all GDC or GMC registered. We offer unparalleled care and use cutting-edge technology to help you achieve your desired aesthetic goals. Our team will empower you to enhance and celebrate your beauty by finding the right treatments for you. If you would like to know more about how we can help you, don’t hesitate to book a consultation today. 


Authored by:

Dr Amel Ibrahim
Aesthetic Doctor & Medical Director
Founder City Skin Clinic
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England
Associate Member of British Association of Body Sculpting GMC Registered - 7049611

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