Yes, it is that time of the week again. After our slight indulgence in the last Skin Food Saturday feature, we are bringing you a lighter, savoury recipe – perfect for a hot summer day. These fishcakes are a favourite on my weekly menu! In my opinion, nothing beats something light and fresh that is also super quick to prepare. So let’s dive in…
Tuna in spring water (x2 tins)
1 free range egg
1 small red onion
Half of a full butternut quash
1 red chilli
Two cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon of extra virgin oilive oil (for frying)
A pinch of Pink Himalayan salt
1 tablespoon of cumin
Step 1:
Slice the butternut squash into small chunks and boil until soft. When cooked, dice into smaller pieces (as small as you can).
Step 2:
Whisk one large egg and chop the remainder of the ingredients – red onion, garlic and chilli.
Step 3:
Put all of the above ingredients into a large mixing both and add the tuna – I like to use tuna in spring water and make sure that it’s drained really well so the patties stay together when fried. Add the remaining spices and season to your liking. I chose a pinch of salt, pepper and cumin (fresh herbs like coriander and parsley are also tasty with this combination)
Step 4:
It’s time to get hands on and mould the mixture into patties. They can be whatever size you prefer (I made 6 medium ones). To cook, fry in a small teaspoon of olive oil approximately 3 minutes each side until crispy….then hey presto they are done!
As we have discussed before oily fish is a great source of omega three…combined with squash, which contains a rich source of nutrients and dietary fibre, it provides huge benefits for your complexion. When consumed as part of a balanced diet, high levels of these healthy fats have been shown to plump up the look and texture of the skin by reducing inflammation as well as supplying the building blocks for healthy skin cells.